A more joyful evolution

People are trying to fight their way through intergenerational trauma. It can be done but it is the long route home. The more productive route is to overwrite the dramas and the traumas with intergenerational joy. In other words, let the wisdom of our parents and ancestors, whatever they may be and even if only…


Art need not be in a form. It can be in the emergence of colors moving and blending together like a multitude of conversations already flowing that the artist captures at a simple glance.

Balance in every breath

So many leaders are seeking balance as they move through the world. Balance is something that comes from within. It is a knowingness of how to move through the world with a greater sense of wholeness in each breath. When you center who you are when you are at peace then you will know that…

Fight to not fight, to never fight again

One does not have to tear down that which is already crumbling before their eyes. One only has to focus on that which can be elevated for the benefit of all hearts to grow. When one has been taught that they can only grow through struggle then one is more likely to fight against the…

Let your heart grow like the flower that it is designed to be.

Joy is more than a moment. It is a lifetime of evolution. Your joy exudes in every breath.It comes from deep in your soul. It is the sound of your inner voicespeaking love and offering light to your heart to grow as it is designed to blossom. The wisdom of your joy radiates from your…

Can you see me now?

This, me being me, is not a performance. It is no role that I am playing. It is not an act to get a job. It is not even to attract the attention of others. This is me being me so that you will feel more free to be you. What does it mean to…