Elevate Then Expand

Elevate then expand to light the path of evolution. Elevation is a journey of ensuring that you know and are ready to lead from a higher, if not the highest, you. There the air is clear, and as you breathe you filter any toxic energy you may encounter into light. Elevation is how you bring…

Protections of the heart

When a heart shines bright it moves with such confidence and knowingness that it has permission to be in this world and it takes up the space with the full power of its radiance. When the boundaries of a heart are crossed, frayed along the edges to the point of fracture, or pulled apart by…

Freedom /ˈfrēdəm/

Freedom is not a policy. It is not a state of being. Far more than a right, freedom is the unconditional love of the universe that flows, fully unburdened and unconstrained through the wisdom of your soul, as your heart smiles back at you being you. Freedom is your heart in action. It is the…

From ego and fear to love and joy

There is a whole world of people who are navigating the world through ego. What that does is force everyone around them to navigate the world through fear.  Fear of being unseen. Fear of being unloved. Fear of being different. Fear of never being successful. Fear of not being enough. Fear of not having enough to ever do more than…

Breathe fully in life

In every breath experience all that is living and moving around you. Life is not to be experienced so rooted to the ground in a single moment. It is to be lived as the wind moves through, up, and over mountains, feeding all of the streams that seed life. To live life only in the…

Spirit of the mountain

No mountain fights for the continued relevance that humans so desperately seek. It simply knows where to stand and how to be. That is enough for it to capture our hearts with such awe.


The call of grace is upon every heart to cultivate the breath for humans to honor the space that they take. It is time for each heart to honor their path. Not doing so has caused everyone to spill into each other’s timelines in ways that are weighing the world down. Not until we all…

Move in Oneness

To move in oneness is to know that your body can be deeply rooted and your soul elevated as it is moved by the light of the sun all in the same breath.

Our rainbows are within

The rainbow you seek is inside of you. The universe is an inner/outer reflection of who we are inside. The world fights because of the compounded effects of our own internal conflicts. The world loves because I love myself and you love yourself. We must stop waiting for our hearts to smile when we spot…

As nature moves

As she walks we move with her, in her, and all around her. It is she who we live for. She is the one who grounds us in our humanity.

Don’t fake anything, anymore, anywhere, for anyone, at anytime

The Fake-it-until-you-make-it mentality is now officially obsolete! While it was used by many to overcome what were thought to be dire circumstances, it was never meant to be a default survival mechanism for the rest of your life. Fake-it-until-you-makeit will land just about anyone in a misrepresentation of their truth, misappropriating their wisdom, and/or crossing…

Allowing the journey of your soul to be most relevant

Once you understand that joy is more than a moment, it becomes easy to see that what is most important in life is the journey of your soul, not your brain. Life is not to be led step-by-step. So, there are no rungs on any ladder that you were authentically designed to climb. Ladders didn’t…

Making joy more than a habit of everyday life

People try to engage with joy from a place in their brain. In our brains, we are told that if we want to learn something, we should study it. If we want to perfect something, we should practice it. If we want to change our behavior, we should go through a regimented process of doing…

Why the smile in your soul matters

There is a theory of quantum physics, metaphysics, and even string theory that defines the purpose of the universe as a force/entity/existence that seeks to observe itself.  What glimpse into the world does the universe have? Most will, first, think of the brain. We call you to quickly remember that we use such a small…

Love yourself

Love yourself all the way to joy, and embrace the feeling of the sun in every breath that you breathe, until the whole of your body peacefully illuminates the golden power of joy from within, like the flower that you already are and always have been.